Family Friendly Gift Service – St Mary Magdalene at 10.30 am Sunday 2nd December

Family Friendly Gift Service – 10.30am Sunday 2nd  December

A special ‘family friendly’ service with the theme of Advent/light coming into the darkness.

This is our next opportunity to support the work of the Sisters of the Church who hope to provide Christmas bags of food and gifts to over 500 people.

Suggested gifts:  

Ladies:  gloves, warm scarves, hand cream and individual toiletries

Men: gloves, warm scarves, hats, socks and toiletry sets

Children: ARGOS VOUCHERS. The Sisters now provide a £10 Argos voucher for every child in need; this enables them to choose their own gift.

Food Donations: the Sisters particularly welcome tinned ham, meat or salmon, boxes of chocolates and festive biscuits, Christmas puddings, mince pies and jars of coffee. Please note, all items should be in date for Christmas.

Additional Collection:  A special collection box will be available at the back of the church during the Gift Service; monies raised will help the Sisters to fund their bulk food buying and particular support to their most vulnerable families.  

The usual collection towards Church Funds will be made during the service.

If you are unable to attend the service but would like to make a contribution, gifts can be left in the church during the week before the Gift Service – or contact Janet Wells (218549).